(Amended December 19th, 2024)
The name of this organization shall be: The Western New England Chapter of the Professional Horsemen's Association of America, Inc.
The object of this chapter shall be to support the objectives of the Professional Horsemen's Association of American, Inc., which are: "to give aid and sustenance to needy horsemen, to provide educational aid to children of professional horsemen through a scholarship fund, to promote and foster interest in the horse industry and to aid in the protection and care of horses through education. It shall also be to facilitate the exchange of ideas and cooperation among those interested in horsemanship and to increase the knowledge of and interest in horses in the community, and to promote sportsmanship and set standards in the area.
The colors of this Chapter shall be green and white. We use the National Logo.
Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be divided into the three following classes:
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS - Any person whose principal means of livelihood is buying, selling, horse farming, training horses, teaching riding or any related profession and who is acceptable professionally to the Chapter Membership Committee, shall be eligible for Professional Membership, provided they also comply with the National requirements. Professional members shall be entitled to certain benefits as outlined in Article V of the National By-laws. The membership period is January 1 through December 31 of each year. Annual dues shall be payable on December 1 upon notification by the membership Chairman. Any previous member who has been out of the Association for a period of one year or more must pay all back dues or make an application as a new member if he wishes to rejoin the Association.
ASSOCIATE/AMATEUR MEMBERS - Any amateur, eighteen years of age and over, who is interested in furthering the purpose of this Association and who is acceptable to the Chapter Membership Committee may be eligible for membership. Associate Member points begin to accumulate upon joining and the membership is valid from December 1st to November 30th
JUNIOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERS - Anyone who has not reached the age of 18 years as of December 1 of the current show year and is acceptable to the Chapter Membership Committee shall be eligible to Junior Associate Membership. Junior Associate member points begin to accumulate upon joining and the membership is valid from December 1st to November 30th.
Section 2
A. Application for professional membership shall be made on forms provided by the Association. These will include professional status, address, next of kin and any pertinent information which may be helpful to the membership committee.
B. Application for Junior and Associate membership shall be made on the following form This form should be included in the prize list if possible and MUST be available at all WNEPHA shows. The Show Secretary can provide forms, if needed upon request. Forms are available for download and printing on this website as well.
Located on the Forms section of www.WNEPHA.com.
Section 3. If a HORSE is LEASED, the OWNER (and rider) must be a current member in order for the horse to accumulate points.
Section 4. The annual dues shall be:
PROFESSIONAL - $50 ($30 of this goes to National PHA)
ASSOCIATE/AMATEUR - $35 ($7 of this goes to National PHA)
JUNIOR ASSOCIATE - $30 ($3 of this goes to National PHA)
(Professional Membership renewals submitted after April 1st of the current year will increase to a cost of $50)
Section 1. All the professional members in good standing shall form the Board of Trustees.
Section 2. The Board of Trustees shall have general supervision and guidance of the affairs of the Chapter and will perform such other duties as specified in these By-Laws.
Section 3. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the Chairman, or by any three members of the Board, one of which shall be an officer.
Section 1. The officers of this chapter shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Several Secretaries (Points, Show Calendar, Meeting Minutes and Membership) (Does not need to be a professional), a Treasurer, and the representative(s) to the National Board. Together they shall form the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three professional members by December 1. This committee shall present a slate of officers to be elected at the Annual meeting of the Board. Members of the Board shall submit additional candidates if any to the Nominating Committee at least two weeks before the annual meeting. The consent of any nominee must be obtained before nomination.
Section 3. Officers shall hold office for a term of one year. All officers may succeed themselves.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held each quarter or at the discretion of the board.
Section 2. The Chairman shall notify the board members of the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting at least one week in advance.
Section 3. The Annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be held in February of each year for the purpose of annual reports from officers and standing committees, presentation of awards and trophies, and completion of any other necessary business.
Section 4. The Annual meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held before March 1 for the purpose of electing the new officers.
Section 5. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the Chairman, or by any three members of the Board, one of whom shall be an officer.
Section 6. The quorum for all Chapter meetings shall be five members at least two of which shall be officers.
Section 7. A Non-Professional meeting will be held once a year for anyone to attend.
Section 8. Although pros should try to attend in person, a Zoom link will be provided for all meetings by the Secretary.
Section 1. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall be composed of the elected officers of the Chapter and shall meet, as necessary.
a) The executive committee shall have general authority over the chapter between meetings of the Board of Trustees and perform such other duties as specified in these bylaws. (Any action taken by the Committee shall be ratified at the next Board meeting.)
Section 2. The standing committees of this chapter shall be horse show, Finals, banquet, finance, and nominating, Promotional.
Section 3. The Chair shall appoint all standing committee chairmen who will choose their own committee members. The Board shall approve committee appointments. The Chairman shall announce the appointments on the website.
Section 4. Special committees deemed necessary by the professional membership or Board of Trustees to continue the work of the chapter shall be appointed by the Chairman with the approval of the Board.
Section 5. The Chairman shall be an ex official member of all committees except the nominating committee.
Section 1. The fiscal year shall run from December 1 to November 30.
Section 2. The books and accounts of the Chapter shall be kept in accordance with sound accounting practices. The Treasurer shall furnish the board a report of the finances of the Chapter at the Annual Meeting and shall send a proportionate amount of each member's dues to the Professional Horsemen's Association of America, Inc. by April 1.
Section 3. No one may profit financially from membership in the chapter by sales or solicitation of sales at PHA meetings. However, the chapter may contract with members in their professional capacity.
Section 4. In the event of dissolution of the chapter, all its assets and funds shall revert to the National Association's Scholarship Fund.
1. In order for a show to be affiliated, the show date must be requested at least 45 days before (if not approved at the annual date meeting), by the Points Secretary who keeps the calendar. After receiving an approved date, a member must send within 30 days a $25 ($35 for a non- WNEPHA member) per show date. Professionals who take a show date are invited to join one of the following committees, (Finals, Banquet, Finance, Nominating, Grievance, Horse Show, Promotional Committee).
2. No Entity may hold 2 horse shows (not to include other types of recognized events) less than 4 weeks (28 days) apart, except in extenuating circumstances. Two different entities may hold a horse show at the same barn within 28 days.
3. Conflicting dates shall not be allowed within the USEF Mileage rule (50 Miles “as the crow flies), except in the case of differing disciplines, if needed.
4. Horse shows scheduled 30 days before Finals are permitted to run double Medals.
5. Horse Shows and Membership Secretary are required to report any non-negotiable checks to WNEPHA Chairman, who will disseminate the information to Professional Members and show secretaries. These riders/families will not be allowed to participate in any WNEPHA recognized show or other event until this indebtedness is resolved. Once resolved, all will again be contacted by the Chairman.
1. Prize lists must state that the show is WNEPHA pointed and contain the name of the judge and show officials.
A. In the event that the show is not affiliated with the USEF or any other organization with a list of approved judges, the show must use a USEF or NEHC licensed judge for all but jumper classes and Transitional Classes. ALL Medal classes must show in front of a USEF or NEHC judge.
B. All Hunter, Medal and Equitation classes Short Stirrup and above will show in front of the published judge. Jumper classes and transitional classes are not required to use a USEF or NEHC licensed judge.
2. The show management must invite all WNEPHA affiliated stables, and every member should receive a prize list at least two weeks before the show, by email. A link to the Prize list should be emailed to the Horse Show Schedule Secretary to be attached to the calendar date.
3. Shows must include the Short/Long Stirrup, Pre-Children’s/adult, Modified Child/Adult, Children’s, Junior and Adult WNEPHA Medal Classes which may be run at their own height even if combined to be pointed. If these classes are not filled the show's points still count.
4. All specifications not covered in these regulations shall be in accordance with the USEF. At any show affiliated with the USEF the rules of that organization shall prevail over these regulations. ONLY classes which fit our descriptions will be pointed for WNEPHA. It must be stated in class/division description that it is WNEPHA pointed and for what division.
5. Exhibitors may join WNEPHA on the day of the show, (for the present year only) by PAYING THE MEMBERSHIP FEE to the Show Secretary BEFORE ENTERING ANY CLASSES. Those exhibitor points will count only from the date that the exhibitor has joined the WNEPHA.
6. Any shows not complying with these aforementioned rules shall be subjected to a written warning from the Grievance Committee upon the first offense and a $200 fine for any subsequent offenses.
7. In the case of combined divisions, the Show Secretary must designate which division each rider is accumulating points for.
8. Barns must submit a $2/rider fee per entry to Treasurer no later than 2 weeks after show date. Barns not in compliance will be charged a $20 late fee.
9. Judges need to be present for a show to count. Virtual judging will not be allowed.
1. WNEPHA Medal points for the Short/Long Stirrup, Pre-Children/Adult, Modified Child/Adult, Children’s, Junior, and Adult WNEPHA Medal Classes will accrue from the show following the Medal Finals Show to the show prior to the Medal Show Finals the following year.
2. WNEPHA DIVISION POINTS will accrue from the December 1st through November 30th of the following year. Only the points won at affiliated shows will be counted. The show management must send a list of all riders and horses that participated along with the results of all classes to the Point Secretary within two weeks following the show. Barns not in compliance will be charged a $50 late fee.
To receive point forms for show results please look under forms at www.wnepha.com.
To accrue WNEPHA Division points both the rider and horse owner must be current members of the WNEPHA.
3. POINT VALUE the points in all classes will be scored as follows:
First Place 10
Second Place 6
Third Place 4
Fourth Place 2
Fifth Place 1
Sixth Place 0.5
4. There must be at least 3 riders competing in each class for points to count, including Medal classes. Classes may be combined only as follows:
The following classes can be combine.
A. Combining hunter divisions - In the instance that a division is not filling, these divisions may be combined in any combination to make a minimum of 3 entries. Please be sure to specify on the points submission which division the horse is earning points towards.
1. Lows/Adults/ Children’s Hunter
2. Junior Hunter/Pony Hunter
3. Junior Hunter Horse/ Adult Hunter when run at 3’/Open Working Hunter
4. SS/LS Hunter/Pre Child/Adult Hunter/ Mod Children’s Adult Hunter
5. Divisions that cannot be combined- Baby Green Hunter
B. Combining Equitation/Medal divisions - In the instance that a division is not filling, these divisions may be combined in any combination to make a minimum of 3 entries. Please be sure to specify on the points submission which division the horse is earning points towards. Rider option to jump their own height.
1. Short/Long Stirrup can combine with Pre-Child/Adult Eq or Modified Children’s/Adult Eq.
2. Pre-Child/Adult Eq can combine with Short/long Stirrup and Modified Child/Adult Eq.
3. Modified Children’s/Adult Equitation/Medal can combine with:
a. Short/Long Stirrup or Pre-Child/Adult Eq
b. Children’s or Adult Eq
c. Can never combine with Junior Eq
3. Adult, Children’s, and Junior Equitation/Medal can combine in any combination amongst themselves.
a. Adult/Children’s, and Junior Eq can never combine with SS/LS or Pre-Child/Adult Eq
b. Adult and Children’s Eq can combine with Modified Adult/Children’s Eq
c. Junior Eq can never combine with SS/LS, Pre-Child/Adult, or Modified Children’s/Adult
5. In Medal classes at regular WNEPHA Horse Shows with more than 10 riders, classes will be pinned divided by every other number "California Split."
Example: from USEF Rulebook a. As an option to dividing classes by every other number, all entries may be judged as a single class and awarded prizes as follows.
1st and 2nd 1st
3rd and 4th 2nd
5th and 6th 3rd
7th and 8th 4th
9th and 10th 5th
11th and 12th 6th
1. Points for the High Score Awards shall be awarded by the WNEPHA in the following divisions: (Year-end high points)
Baby Green Hunter Year-end High Points
Low Hunter Year-end High Points
Pre-Child/Adult Hunter Year-end High Points
Modified Child/Adult Hunter Year-End High Points
Pony Hunter Year-end High Points
Children's Hunter Year-end High Points
Open Working Year-end High Points
Junior Hunter Year-end High Points
Adult Hunter Year-end High Points
Pleasure Division Year-end High Points
Jumper Division Year-end High Points
Sporting Division Year-end High Points
Short/Long Stirrup Equitation Year-end High Points
Pre-Children’s Equitation Year-end High Points
Modified Children’s/Adult Equitation Year-end High Points
Children’s Equitation Year-end High Points
Junior Equitation Year-end High Points
Adult Equitation Year-end High Points
Walk/Trot Participation Ribbon
Leadline Participation Ribbon
Beginner Equitation Participation Ribbon
Short/Long Stirrup Medal Year-end High Point Award
Pre-Children’s Medal Year-end High Point Award
Modified Children’s/Adult Medal Year-end High Point Award
Children’s Medal Year-end High Point Award
Junior Medal Year-end High Point Award
Adult Medal Year-end High Point Award
Verifying the accuracy of points is the responsibility of the competitor. Please report any discrepancies as soon as possible. All point questions must be reported to the points secretary by December 15th. After December 15th, no points questions/issues/discrepancies will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
2. In all HUNTER/EQUITATION divisions at least one over fences class must be completed in each division for the points (for that show) to count toward the year-end awards. The Show Secretary should make a note of those horses and riders who did not complete any over fences classes in their Hunter/Equitation Division.
All hunter jumps must be normal width (10’ or 12’ rails), of appropriate “field hunter” colors and type and have WINGS on both sides. Only ramped oxers permitted (2’6” and above). Oxers should not be the first jump of any course.
A. Combining hunter divisions - In the instance that a division is not filling, these divisions may be combined in any combination to make a minimum of 3 entries. Please be sure to specify on the points submission which division the horse is earning points towards.
1. Lows/Adults/Children’s Hunter
2. Junior Hunter/Pony Hunter
3. Junior Hunter /Open Working Hunter
4. SS/LS Hunter/Pre Child/Adult Hunter/ Mod Children’s Adult Hunter
5. Divisions that cannot be combined Baby Green Hunter
B. Rider Status
In the event that a WNEPHA professional member trainer feels that it would be in the best interest of safety that their student be allowed to show in a lower level in the WNEPHA Shows than they may be presently qualified for, that professional may petition the Professional membership for such an exception. The professional membership will discuss and vote on each proposed allowance. Anyone for whom an allowance is made may compete in the lower level for the present season and the following show season (through November 30). At the end of that second season, they must either move up to the next division or the professional may petition again, as above.
3. Western New England Professional Horsemen's Association Medal Classes:
WNEPHA SHORT STIRRUP MEDAL CLASS - Open to junior/amateur members of the WNEPHA who are eligible for Short Stirrup Equitation. Riders in this class may compete in any equitation class in which the fence height does not exceed 2’. Rider must be a member before the class begins. A course of at least eight fences not to exceed 18" with at least one change of direction. No combinations or oxers should be included. Simple changes will not be penalized. A minimum of 3 riders is needed to fill the class. Riders may show horses or pony. If numbers warrant, Short and Long Stirrup may be run separately at any show including finals.
WNEPHA LONG STIRRUP MEDAL CLASS - Open to junior/amateur members of the WNEPHA who are eligible for Long Stirrup, (13 years of age and over). Riders in this class may compete in any equitation class in which the fence height does not exceed 2’. Rider must be a member before the class begins. A course of at least eight fences not to exceed 18" with at least one change of direction. No combinations or oxers should be included. Simple changes will not be penalized. A minimum of 3 riders is needed to fill the class. Riders may show horses or pony. If numbers warrant, Short and Long Stirrup may be run separately at any show including finals.
WNEPHA PRE-CHILD/ADULT MEDAL CLASS - Open to junior and amateur members of the WNEPHA who are eligible for Pre-Children’s Equitation. Riders may show horses or ponies. Riders in this class may compete in any equitation class in which the fence height does not exceed 2’6”. Rider must be a member before the class begins. To be shown over a course of at least 8 fences at a height of 2’. Must include at least one change of direction. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized. A minimum of 3 riders is needed to fill the class. If numbers warrant, Pre-Child and Pre-Adult Medal may be run separately at any show including finals.
WNEPHA Modified Children’s, Adult Medal Class- Open to junior and amateur members of the WNEPHA who are eligible for Modified Child/Adult Equitation. Riders may show horses or ponies. Riders in this class may compete in any class in which the fence height does not exceed 2’6”. Rider must be a member before the class begins. To be shown over a course of at least 8 fences not to exceed 2’3”. Must include at least one change of direction. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized. A minimum of 3 riders is needed to fill the class. If numbers warrant, Modified Children’s and Modified Adult Medal may be run separately at any show including finals.
WNEPHA CHILDREN’S MEDAL CLASS - Open to junior members of the WNEPHA who are eligible for Children’s Equitation. Riders may show horses or ponies. Riders in this class may compete in any equitation class in which the fence height does not exceed 2’9”. Rider must be a member before the class begins. To be shown over a course of at least 8 fences at a height of 2’6 with at least one change of direction. No combinations. Ramped oxers permitted. A minimum of 3 riders is needed to fill the class.
WNEPHA JUNIOR MEDAL CLASS - Open to all junior members of the WNEPHA who are not eligible for Pre-Children’s, or Children’s Equitation. Riders may show horses or ponies. Rider must be a member before the class begins. To be shown over a course of at least 8 fences at a height of 2’9” with at least one change of direction. Combinations are optional. Ramped oxers are allowed. A minimum of 3 riders is needed to fill the class.
WNEPHA ADULT MEDAL CLASS - Open to Amateur Adult members of the WNEPHA. Riders may show horses or ponies. Rider must be a member before the class begins. A course of at least eight fences not to exceed 2'6" with at least one change of direction must be included. Ramped oxers are allowed. No combinations. A minimum of 3 riders is needed to fill the class.
*See ARTICLE XVIII - FINALS for further details. *
4. All awards are at the discretion of the WNEPHA Board. Additional awards may be presented at the discretion of the Awards Committee.
5. All divisions except for Medals will receive coolers regardless of how many riders/horses. The Medal High Point awards will receive saddle pads.
BABY GREEN HUNTER DIVISION - Open to any horse in their first or second year of showing over fences who has never shown higher than 2'6" in said 1st or 2nd year. Horses that enter this division at a given show may not enter any other class at that show in which fence heights exceed 2'6". No oxers. No rider restrictions. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness. Trotting in corners will not be penalized. Fences not to exceed 2’3”.
LOW HUNTER DIVISION - Open to all horses and ponies and riders with no age limitations. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness. Fences not to exceed 2'6". Ramped oxers permitted.
SHORT/LONG STIRRUP HUNTER DIVISION – Open to all junior/amateur riders, who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’, in a recognized show. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 18”. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized. If numbers warrant, Short and Long Stirrup may be run separately.
PRE-CHILD-ADULT HUNTER DIVISION – Open to junior and amateur riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’3” in a recognized show or jumper classes over .90m. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 2’. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness. If numbers warrant, Pre-Children’s and Adults may be run separately.
MODIFIED CHILDREN’S/ADULT HUNTER DIVISION- Open to junior and amateur riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’6” in a recognized show or jump classes over .80m. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 2’3”. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness. If numbers warrant, Modified-Children’s and Modified-Adults may be run separately.
JUNIOR HUNTER DIVISION - Open to all junior riders. No horse restrictions. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness. Horse/rider combinations that enter this division at a given show may not enter any other class at the show in which fence height exceeds 2’9”. No combinations. Ramped oxers permitted. Fences not to exceed 2’9”
PONY HUNTER DIVISION - Open to all ponies ridden by juniors. Small ponies, 12.2 hands and under to jump 2'. Medium ponies, 12.2 but not exceeding 13.2 to jump 2'. Large ponies, over 13.2 but not to exceed 14.2 to jump 2'6". Judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness.
CHILDREN'S HUNTER DIVISION - Open to junior riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’6 in a recognized show, except riders may show in equitation classes where fence height does not exceed 2’9” or jumper classes to .85 meters maximum. Riders may show horses or ponies. Ramped oxers permitted. Judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness.
OPEN WORKING HUNTER DIVISION - Fences to be 3’ Ramped oxers permitted. No restrictions on age or status of rider. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness.
ADULT HUNTER DIVISION - Open to horses ridden by Amateur riders. Fences not to exceed 2’6'. Ramped oxers permitted. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness.
PLEASURE DIVISION - May include Open Pleasure, Road Hack, Bridle Path Hack, Hunter Pleasure. Classes must be open to all horses and ponies and all riders. To be shown on the flat only at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be judged on manners, performance, suitability, and soundness. Martingales not permitted.
SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to junior/amateur riders 12 and under, who have never competed over fences exceeding 18” in a recognized show, except riders may show in equitation/Medal classes where fence height does not exceed 2’. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 18”. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized.
LONG STIRRUP EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to junior and amateur riders 13 and older (including amateur adults), who have never competed over fences exceeding 18” in a recognized show, except riders may show in equitation classes where fence height does not exceed 2’. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 18”. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized.
PRE-CHILD/ADULT EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to junior and amateur riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’3 in a recognized show, except riders may show in equitation classes where fence height does not exceed 2’3”, or jumper classes over .70m. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 2’. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized. If numbers warrant, Pre-Children’s and Pre-Adult Equitation may be run separately at any show including finals.
MODIFIED CHILDREN’S/ MODIFIED ADULT EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to junior and amateur riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’6 in a recognized show or jumper classes over .80m. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 2’3”. No combinations or oxers. Simple changes will not be penalized. If numbers warrant, Children’s and Modified-Adult Equitation may be run separately at any show including finals.
CHILDREN’S EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to junior riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’6 in a recognized show, except riders may show in equitation classes where fence height does not exceed 2’9” or jumper classes to .85 meters maximum. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 2’6 with at least one change of direction. No combinations. Ramped oxers permitted.
JUNIOR EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to all junior riders who are not eligible for Pre-Children’s or Children’s Equitation. Riders may show horses or ponies. To be shown over a course of fences at a height of 3’ with at least one change of direction. Combinations are optional. Ramped oxers permitted.
ADULT EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to amateur riders. Fences not to exceed 2'6". No combinations. Ramped oxers permitted.
JUMPER DIVISION - Open to horses and riders. To be judged solely on Jumping ability. Scoring to be done according to USEF rules, unless otherwise stated. In the case where only jumper classes are to be offered at a particular WNEPHA show, it is allowable to be run with no Medals and therefore a recognized judge is not required.
SPORTING DIVISION - To include – Dressage and Multi Phase Event (example: X-Country, Dressage, Pleasure, and Stadium Jumping).
Transitional Divisions: These divisions are designed to introduce the new rider to horse shows with an emphasis on safety for themselves, their horse, and the surrounding riders. Eligibility for these divisions is at the discretion of each rider's instructor. It should be the goal for riders to compete at these levels for no more than *2 years* in each level unless deemed necessary by their instructor for safety reasons. These divisions DO NOT require 3 riders for the class to run but does require 2 riders to receive points at a WNEPHA rated show, Year-end awards are based on participation, with minimum requirements varying by level, see below. Not eligible for Horse or Rider of the Year or Reserve.
LEADLINE DIVISION - Open to beginner riders age 10 and under who have never shown off the lead line before. Riders may not enter any other division. To be eligible for year-end participation ribbon, riders must compete at two shows during the season. Show secretary must submit proof of participation. Riders need not be a member to be eligible for this award.
WALK TROT DIVISION - Open to riders 12 and under who have never shown at the canter. Riders may not enter any other division. To be eligible for a year-end participation ribbon, riders must accumulate a minimum of 28 points throughout the season. Riders must be members of the WNEPHA. 3 barn rule does apply.
BEGINNER EQUITATION DIVISION - Open to junior and amateur riders beyond the Walk Trot level looking to transition into Short/Long Stirrup Equitation. Canter may be individual or small group, at judge's discretion. One class in division should include a ground pole course, trotting not to be penalized. To be eligible for a year-end participation ribbon, riders must accumulate a minimum of 28 points throughout the season and adhere to the 3 barn rule. Riders must be members of the WNEPHA.
1. To accrue WNEPHA Division points BOTH the rider and the horse owner must be current members of the WNEPHA. Points will count from the date of membership forward, with that date to be determined by postmark (when mailed) or show secretary when joining at a show. Please do not change the name of your horse during the show year.
2. Point Value - the points in all classes will be scored as follows:
3. POINT YEAR - Year-end High Score Awards will be given to members of WNEPHA in the Divisions outlined in Article XV above at the Annual Banquet unless stated otherwise. Winners (except Medals) will be those horses and riders which accrue the highest number of points at recognized WNEPHA competitions held from December 1st through November 30.
4. THREE BARN RULE - Unless otherwise specified points will be counted only for those horses and riders who compete in at least three WNEPHA rated competitions held in at least 3 different barns during the year. A canceled check or note from the Show Secretary may be required as proof of attendance. This does apply to Medal (rider only) and Hunter both horse and rider final qualifications.
5. TRAINER AWARDS - The trainer of the Finals winner must be a professional member of the WNEPHA in order to receive the trainer award. Please note that the winner of any of the WNEPHA MEDAL FINALS classes is no longer eligible to compete in that level of WNEPHA MEDAL class or the associated eq. (NOT APPLICABLE TO ADULT MEDAL FINALS WINNER.)
6. All Medal final classes accrue points for year-end awards independently of the year-end Finals competition. Additional awards may be presented at the discretion of the Awards Committee. Points from Finals show do not count for division points.
- MEDAL FINALS - Riders in all the Medal Classes will compete for total points accrued from the previous year’s Finals date to the date of the Finals of the current show year. All riders with at least 10 points in a specific level Medal class qualify for the Medal Finals Show. (Three Barn Rule does apply to rider only for Medal qualification.) Riders should check www.wnepha.com for qualification (with 10 points). Please check a few weeks prior to Finals, to make sure points are correct. Riders who qualify for more than one final must compete at the higher level. The horse used for a Medal final does not need to meet the three barn requirement, only the rider. Horse may not be shared by more than one rider in any one Medal Finals class.
- HUNTER FINALS - Any horse having shown at three separate barns in WNEPHA rated shows during the season is qualified to show in the hunter classics at Finals, however the rider at Finals must also have met the three barn rule. It is required that the horse and rider each meet the barn qualification, but they do not have had to do so as a team.
- TESTING - The Finals for Short Stirrup, Long Stirrup, Pre-Child/Adult, Modified Children’s/Modified Adults, and Children’s will all have a flat phase for the top 10 riders following the jumping phase. Testing of the top riders shall be the second phase for the Modified Junior, Junior, and Adult Medals, with a suggested 4 to test and left to judge discretion.
- DATE - The WNEPHA MEDAL FINALS CLASSES are to be held at a designated show in October of each year. The exact date and location are to be announced at the Annual Banquet in February of that year. By approximately July 31st of each show year, a Committee will review the number of participants in the following divisions to decide if they will run together at medal finals. Short Stirrup Medal and Long Stirrup Medal, Pre Children’s Medal and Pre Adult Medal, and Modified Children’s Medal and Adult Medal. They will also review the number of adult Medal competitors, to decide whether or not the Adult Medal will be split by age, at Finals. They will publish these decisions on the website by mid-August each year, to notify competitors. These decisions will only apply to that year’s Finals show.
We ask that PHA exhibitors follow USEF Drug Rules.